
Dear TA們~

因108-2學期受肺炎疫情〈COVID-19〉影響,只要完成線上或實體之 2必修+ 2選修 = 4門課程的同學〈跨學期修讀亦可列入計算〉,即日起至 http://www.cte.ndhu.edu.tw/files/87-1010-2370.php 網路申請證書,並上傳符合2+2課程之學習護照以示證明。因證書採用批次印製,5/30之前申請同學於6/8〈一〉起可至中心領取TA證書。若已有證書且本學期擔任TA者,須選擇一門實體或線上課程進修回流。另開學至4/30期間修讀TA線上課程同學修課已將紀錄匯入學習履歷,第二批於5/19(二)下午匯入,第三批6/2(二)下午匯入,屆時敬請檢視。

參考網址 http://teaching.ndhu.edu.tw/files/13-1095-66350.php

【Application for TA certificate and TA Excellence Awards】
TAs have to complete 2 compulsory courses and 2 elective courses this semester, then you can apply for the TA certificate and receive it after June, 18 at the administration. Bldg. Room 411(Center for Teaching Excellence). 
TA certificate: http://www.cte.ndhu.edu.tw/files/87-1010-2370.php

If you are a current TA with the TA certificate, you may apply for the TA Excellence Awards from 5/25(Mon) to 5/29(Fri). Click the following link and download files.